Friday 17 March 2017

How to solve MongoError: no primary found in replicaset

I am running a node js application in Windows with MongoDB (version 3.4) as its database. It was running fine before I suddenly got this error while running the node js server:

MongoError: no primary found in replicaset
at C:\Users\common\server\nodeapp\node_modules\mongodb-core\lib\topologies\replset.js:524:28 

And in the windows command prompt where I started mongo db with command mongod, showing the below messages at the end :

2017-01-12T21:02:30.286+0530 I NETWORK  [thread1] connection accepted from #3 (3 connections now open)
2017-01-12T21:02:30.294+0530 I NETWORK  [thread1] connection accepted from #4 (4 connections now open)
2017-01-12T21:02:30.320+0530 I -        [conn4] end connection (4 connections now open)
2017-01-12T21:02:30.321+0530 I -        [conn2] end connection (4 connections now open)
2017-01-12T21:02:30.321+0530 I -        [conn3] end connection (4 connections now open)

I uninstalled Mongo DB and installed it again and created the data/db directory all over again, but the problem still persists. Could you please suggest a solution ?

via A.G.Progm.Enthusiast

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