Friday 17 March 2017

How to provide options across many commands

The Situation

I provide many commands, like this:

  .description('Do foo things')
  .option('-s, --staging', 'Tells the system to use the staging instance')
  .option('-c, --certroot <path>', 'Path to the certoot')
  .action(function(optional) {
    //do foo things

    .description('Do bar things')
    .option('-s, --staging', 'Tells the system to use the staging instance')
    .option('-c, --certroot <path>', 'Path to the certoot')
    .action(function(optional) {
      //do bar things

The Problem

Notice I have to repeat my option declarations. I have many options and this creates repetition.

Also, these options won't show up in my -h "help" output:

 Usage: cert_manager [options] [command]


    generate   Any CMS websites without an SSL cert will have a cert created and it will be uploaded to our CDN
    renew      Any SSL cert that is about to expire will be renewed and re-uploaded to our CDN


    -h, --help  output usage information

The Question

How Can I declare options only once, have them apply to all commands, and have them show up in the -h help?

via lance.dolan

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