Friday, 17 March 2017

How to make Autobahn-JS work in QML?

we want to use WAMP protocol to my server client applications. I have found Autobahn-js which implements The Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP). we would like to use QML for designing the frontend (thin client) and target Android, IOS, Windows Mobile and desktop platforms. Since Autobahn-js written in Javascript, I thought it would work. but unfortunately, it didn't.

Here is the following I did:

  • I have downloaded the Autobahn Js library from Github.

  • I have included all the files in my QML project.

  • import "lib/autobahn.js" as AutoBhan

  • Then comes the error qrc:/lib/autobahn.js:15: ReferenceError: require is not defined

upon googling I came to know that "The require() function is a core function of node.js which is part of the engine. It's not something language-specific just like the window object in browser-based Javascript is not something in the Javascript language. node.js actually is: a server-side JavaScript engine, which executes JavaScript files. It is not a framework which you could load into another engine like Qt". source.

Here is my question:

  1. How can I make/build the Autobahn Js library so that I can use autobahn in qml? which is actually making node.js functions running in qml.

  2. Tough there is C++ implementation, I am not convinced in using the C++ wrapper in qml because it depends on third parties like Boost.

  3. Is it possible to make JS library which depends on node.js functions in QML ? Please let me know. Thanks

FYI: I am using as router

via vishnu

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