I'm still very much learning node, js, sinon, proxyquire, etc.
I have a module that uses the google-geocode module (https://github.com/bigmountainideas/google-geocoder) and I am struggling to write a test to stub it.
This all boils down I think to how you set it up. In time.js I do as follows as per google-geocoder documentation:
var geocoder = require('google-geocoder');
module.exports = function(args, callback) {
var geo = geocoder({ key: some-thing });
geo.find('new york', function(err, response) { ... });
I'm trying to test as follows but I get the error:
TypeError: geo.find is not a function
at run (cmdsUser/time.js:x:x)
at Context.<anonymous> (tests/cmdsUser/time-test.js:x:x)
var time;
var findStub;
before(function () {
findStub = sinon.stub()
time = proxyquire('./../../cmdsUser/time',{ 'google-geocoder': { find: findStub } } );
describe('Demo test', function() {
it('Test 1', function(done){
findStub.withArgs('gobbledegook').yields(null, { this-is: { an-example: 'invalid' } });
time(['gobbledegook'], function(err, response) {
expect(response).to.equals('No result for gobbledegook');
I am a little confused. Many thanks.
via s27840
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