I have the following routes configuration:
const app = express();
app.use('/site', express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../../site/static')));
app.use('/site*', express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../../site/static')));
Now when I am accessing the app http://localhost:8080/site/bla?asdad
I am being redirected to http://localhost:8080/site/bla/?asdad
(note the slash that was added before the question mark).
The application is written with angular (1) and it causes the router (ui-router) to go to the default router.
When navigating within the app (clicking the links to different states) it all works correctly but on refresh the slash is added and redirects to the default route.
I have tried to add {redirect: false}
to the static middelware options but it caused this url http://localhost:8080/site/bla/?asdad
to return:
Cannot GET /site/bla
What should I do to make it work.
via vlio20
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