I'm trying to just get the basic node.js webhook echo example working on heroku. However I keep getting 206 errors. I've heard this can be from redirects that heroku does or from incomplete json. Any help here?
I also attached my intents screenshot on api.ai
I get this same error with the yahoo weather sample python app, so i'm not sure whats going on, as that is all api.ai configuration.
and i asked the question here as well https://discuss.api.ai/t/webhook-issue-error-206/4535/4
my code is as follows, i'm new to node.js, is something wrong? I added fields for what i thought api.ai needs in its JSON.
app.post('/hook', function(req, res) {
console.log('hook request');
try {
var speech = 'empty';
if (req.body) {
if (req.body.result) {
speech = '';
if (req.body.result.fulfillment) {
speech += req.body.result.fulfillment.speech;
speech += ' ';
if (req.body.result.action) {
speech += 'action: ' + req.body.result.action;
console.log('result: ', speech);
return res.json({
speech: speech,
displayText: speech,
data: [],
contextOut: [],
source: 'carstatus'
via MadeByDouglas