Sunday, 12 March 2017

Alexa Skill - Keep Intent alive for dialogue

For demonstrations purposes I should devolop an Alexa Skill on a dialogue basis. All the alexa responses are hardcoded.

The template of the skill is like:

Part 1: User: Alexa, ask MySkill {Question1}. Alexa: Hardcoded answer.

Part 2: User: Alexa, ask MySkill {Question2.1} Alexa: Hardcoded answer for Question2.1. User: Alexa, ask MySkill {Qeustion2.2} Alexa: Hardcoded answer.

I was able to create part 1. But in Part 2 i have some problems. Do I need seperate Intents for questions 2.1 and 2.2. Or is there a possiblity to keep the skill alive?

via user3006108

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