Monday 1 May 2017

Running NodeJS commands and Linux cmd in Crontab

I am running an EC2 AWS instance, I have a range of commands and scripts that run well but will not execute within a crontab. Here are the contents of the Crontab:

15 03 * * *
45 03 * * *
00 05 * * * gsjson 1z5OlqsyU5N2ze1JYHJssfe1LpKNvsr4j8TDGnvyuaDZ gsheet.json
05 05 * * * s3cmd put gsheet.json -P -f s3://mybucket772

Do I need the path of the python program within EC2? gsjson was installed as a NPM package using NodeJS and S3cmd is a command line tool I installed.

I assume I might the programs path within cron but I'm not sure what command I need to get this. Or maybe I should the wrap the last 2 commands in a .js file and point to that?

via Stix5

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