Thursday 20 April 2017

req.getConnection is not a function in express-myconnection

i am trying to connect mysql, but it is showing me req.getConnection is not a function Bellow is the code snipet which i have used. In app.js

var mysql = require('mysql'), 
connection = require('express-myconnection'), 
dbOptions = { 
  host: 'localhost',
  user: 'root', password: '',
  port: 3306,
  database: 'nodejs'
app.use(connection(mysql, dbOptions, 'request'));

In Customers.js

exports.list = function(req, res, next) { 
  req.getConnection(function(err, connection) { 
    if (err) return next(err); 
  connection.query('SELECT * FROM customer', function(err, rows) {
 if (err) console.log("Error Selecting : %s ", err); 
   res.render('customers', { 
     page_title: "Customers - Node.js", data: rows 

Can you please check what is have done wrong. I am pretty new in nodejs, so may be i am missing something.

If you want to check my complete package, please follow bellow URL, i have push all code in my git repository

via Chirag S Modi

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