Thursday 20 April 2017

Problems getting MySQL data in NODEJS with angularjs

I am trying to display the data in a mysql table

I fall below my app.js node code

app.get('/api/todos', function(req, res) {
connection.query('SELECT * FROM',function(err, data){

The console if it shows me the data obtained by the SQL but the problem comes in the view with angular

Here I leave you the code of app.js of angularjs

Var myApp = angular.module ('angularTodo', []);

MyApp.controller ('mainController', ['$ scope', '$ http', function ($ scope, $ http)

$ Http.get ('/ api / all'). Then (function (value) {
$ Scope.pacientes = value;
}). Finally (function () {
$ Scope.example7 + = "(Finally called)";

And the view

<Table class = "table" style = "border: 2px">
<Th> ID; </ Th>
</ Thead>
<Tr ng-repeat = "date in patients">
<Td>  </ td>

</ Tr>
</ Tbody>
</ Table>

The problem is that when data [0] .pk if the data is displayed at position 0, but I want to display all the data in the mysql table, but so does not display anything in the view

I'm sorry for my English.

via M. Node

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