Friday, 21 April 2017

In node-forge AES-cbc showing wrong output despite of providing right key and iv

I am trying to decrypt a file content using node-forge aes-cbc but the result is empty **

Actual text: "helloNoor" Aes Result : Decrypted Text Hex

Decrypted Text Bytes

** Here is my code

trying to decrypt the content using aes-cbc by providing key, iv and encrypted content but the output is empty.

  var encryptedData = decodedText.substring(288, decodedText.length); //Seperating Encrypted Data

    // encryptedData = Buffer.from(encryptedData);

    console.log("Encrypted Text\n" + encryptedData);
    // The cipher-block chaining mode of operation maintains internal 
    // state, so to decrypt a new instance must be instantiated. 
    //        var aesCbc = new aesjs.ModeOfOperation.cbc(key, IV);
    //        var decryptedBytes = aesCbc.decrypt(encryptedData);
    //        console.log(decryptedBytes.toString());

    var decipher = forge.cipher.createDecipher('AES-CBC', key);
        iv: IV

    // console.log(decipher.output.toString());
    //var decryptedText = decipher.output.getBytes();
    //        var nodeBuffer = new Buffer.from(decipher.output.getBytes(), 'binary');
    //        console.log("Decrypted Buffer\n" + nodeBuffer.toString("utf8"));

    console.log("Decrypted Text Hex\n" + decipher.output.toHex());
    console.log("Decrypted Text Bytes\n" + decipher.output.getBytes());

via Syed Noorullah