I am building a nodejs app, that stores the menus of the different restaurants. The schema is given below -
var company = new Schema({
company_name : String,
categories : [category]
var category = new Schema({
// id : Object,
category_name : String,
subCategories : [subCategory]
var subCategory = new Schema({
subCategory_name : String,
items : [item]
var item = new Schema({
item : String,
price : Number,
currency : String
module.exports = mongoose.model('Menu', company)
I have a rout in node app for example :
app.post("/:_company_id/:_category_id/:_sub_cat_id/", function(res,req){...})
using above method I want to insert/update the items so how do i do that.
Also while doing research I found that the mongoose does not support the nested array update. by using positional approach $
example categories.$.subCategories.$.items
Cannot use this because mongoose does not support this.
Please help me with some other trick/hack which may help me in updating it. Thank you. If not than I have to move to some relational databases.
via Sandeep Kumar