Thursday 20 April 2017

File downloaded by curl but not by node.js

So I'm trying to download a file through nodejs that opens fine in the browser, and even downloads fine in tools like curl. But nodejs just fails for some reason to download the file. I tried downloading the file through the request module in node and through a node cli module called download-cli. Both of them fail with either a 400 or 404 response yet the file downloads fine through regular tools like curl.

What could be the issue? I have tried setting the user-agent to that of Firefox (where it opens just fine) but that doesn't do the trick. I'm assuming the problem isn't about the user-agent anyway since curl doesn't have its own user-agent.

The url in question can be any url from alicdn but lets take this one as an example:часы-поддержка-синхронизации-notifier-sim-карты-подключение-bluetooth-для-android-apple-iphone.jpg_640x640.jpg

Here's the response by running the above url through the node download-cli tool and the Invoke-WebRequest tool in powershell.

PS C:\code> downloadчасы-поддержка-син
Couldn't connect toчасы-поддержка-синхронизации-notifier-sim-карты-подключение-bluetooth-для-android-apple-iphone.jpg_640x640.jpg (404)
PS C:\code> curlчасы-поддержка-синхрон

StatusCode        : 200
StatusDescription : OK
Content           : {255, 216, 255, 224...}
RawContent        : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                    X-Application-Context: fileserver2-download:prod:7001
                    From-Req-Dns-Type: NA,NA
                    Connection: keep-alive
                    Network_Info: DE_FRANKFURT_16509
Headers           : {[X-Application-Context, fileserver2-download:prod:7001], [From-Req-Dns-Type, NA,NA], [SERVED-FROM,],
                    [Connection, keep-alive]...}
RawContentLength  : 114927

via ArsalanDotMe

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