I am creating an Email sending app using React and Node js. I am using Nodemailer for sending the emails. To get rich HTML and CSS in the email body, I am using React js to construct the email body. So, once the body is rendered by React js, it can be send through Nodemailer as html. Till now , I have been able to set the Nodemailer to work for simple text, attachments. I have constructed the Email body(with responsive HTML) in email.jsx. I have put a route('/send') to see how does it actually look on server side. I am facing problem so as to how can I compile this .jsx template that I have created and send this as html using Nodemailer. I know we can sure do this using Hogan if its a .hjs file. But how can I achieve the same for .jsx file. Please bear with me since I am new to React js.
Link to Github Repo: https://github.com/DipitMalhotra1/Email-Sending-App#email-sending-app
via Man utd