Thursday 4 May 2017

Nginx and Node.js - Utilizing server to fullest

For experimental/learning purposes (lets assume my application has lot of persistent/concurrent traffic), I have a VM running docker. For docker, I have following setup:

Everything has its own container and communicates with ports. I am trying to simulate two different servers (Nginx), load-balanced by HAProxy.

Now it works all fine and well, but as far as I think, Node is still running in just single thread.

The only configuration Nginx contains is for being reverse proxy to Node (everything else is default). Each Nginx server handles only one domain per server (Node).

  • Should I use Node Cluster for multi-threaded approach?

  • Or (assuming each server has 2 cores) should I create two node instances for each Nginx server and have it load balance? In this approach, I am unsure about how load-balancing would work. If there are two Node instances, load balanced by Nginx (or HAProxy), then it would look something like:

Now the reason I want Nginx is for static caching and stuff like DDOS protection. Does that really make sense? Or should I just have one Nginx load-balance between all four Node servers without HAProxy (the reason I am bringing in HAProxy is because some research showed it to be faster/more-reliable than Nginx (unconfirmed)).

Still new to this. Basically, I want to simulate two servers with two cores each running Node.js, reverse proxied by Nginx for static caching etc., and load-balanced by HAProxy.

via Jaskaranbir Singh

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