Monday 1 May 2017

How do i get to dynamically refresh JSON data in an EJS tag

I'm currently working on an node/express app that shows several informations about the ISS. I'm using an API shared by the NASA returning JSON data.

I want the data to be updated dynamically on my page using EJS, without the need to refresh it. let's say every 1000ms.

Here's my actual code to get the ISS's current Longitude and Latitude:

Server side:

app.get("/iss", function(req, res){
   var url = "";
   request(url, function(err, response, body){
       if (!err && response.statusCode == 200){
          var data = JSON.parse(body);
          res.render("ISS", {data: data});

Client side :

<div class="ui main text inverted container segment">
    <div class="ui huge header">Where is the ISS ?</div>
    <p>Longitude : <%= data["iss_position"].longitude %> </p>
    <p>Latitude : <%= data["iss_position"].latitude %> </p>

I've heard about but i don't know if it would be optimized for my need. Also, can i get it to work by using setInterval()function ? If yes, can you help me with that ?

Thanks for your help.

via Zhar

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