Friday 5 May 2017

Game development after some experience in web?

I have some experience in web. I know the popular stack: laravel, mysql, vue / Node, express, mongodb. First my programming language was c++, then I choosed a web. Now, i want to try game development for fun.

What games do you want to develop?

  • Most likely 2d indie, retro graphics, such as paper please, isaac, although there are no special preferences.

Desktop, browser, mobile?

  • Browser or desktop As for the browser, I looked up the phaser, pixy, tree, but firstly i decided to ask here. I don't know if these framworks, library is enough to comortable development.Cause in web games is not so popular and tools for making games maybe have some issues.

Some experience in development games?

  • I didn't have any experience. Never tried unity, plugins, webgl and etc.. But i want that you recommend how will be better. Which type of games and which stack i must choose: phaser or c#/unity, maybe c++. I don't scare to try something new and i have some experience in programming. And sorry for mistakes, i'm rarely writing in english.

via ifwu

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