Monday 1 May 2017

Alexa node js (alexa-app-server) response.say not outputting speech

I've been having some trouble trying to output speech after getting data using request-reponse and processing it. For whatever reason in the callback function it wont output the text. The console.log(prompt) works yet it the response.say(prompt).shouldEndSession(false).send() doesn't. If you've any idea it'll be greatly appreciated.

test.getNumberStatus(number, function(err, message) {
    console.log("In callback outside if statement");
    if (err == null) {
    } else {

stopInfo.prototype.getStopStatus = function(stopNumber, callback) {
  var options = {
  method: 'GET',
  uri: ENDPOINT + '?stopid=' + stopNumber + '&maxresults=1&format=json',
  json: true

requestPromise(options).then(function(stopStatusObject) {
if (true) { // check if error from dublin bus

  var template = _.template('busstopinfo <%= error %>');
  var message = template({
      'error': 'test'
  callback(null, message);
}).catch(function(err) {
var message = "I didn\'t have data for stop number " + stopNumber;
callback(err, message);

via user3408117

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