Monday 12 June 2017

Update an sql server column using sequelize and AngularJs

I am trying to update a value in a column in sql server, for that I use sequelize to access my database. I manage to do it using nodejs and when I send the right url in postman , it works, but what I want is to access it via my frontend using my service and controller, so far it does not work because I don't know how to pass the updated data : here is my code :

My back-end :

//update the "estArchive" property to move project to archive liste"
   projet.Projet.find({ where: { IdProjet: } }).then(function (project) {
    // Check if record exists in db
    if (project) {
        estArchive: req.body.estArchive

       res.json({success:true, message: 'Projet modifié', projetsListe: project});
    res.json({success:false, message: 'aucun projet avec cette id trouvé'});

This part is working and it updates the estArchive value (datatype : Boolean)

Now here is my service :

 // update the estArchive functionnality : 
   archiveprojet : function(id_Data,updateData){
   return $http.put('/api/projets/' + id_Data,updateData);

And This is my controller :

.controller('projetsCtrl',function ($http,Projet,Client,$scope,$q,$route,$location){
 var app=this;


And this is my view I want to be able to update the column estArchive when clicking on the button :

<td><button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" ng-click="projetsCtrl.Archive(projet.IdProjet)"><i class="fa fa-archive"></i> Archiver ce projet ?</button></td>

when clicking on that button I want estArchive value to be updated to true, I used these same steps for post and get and it's working, but here It's not, what am I doing wrong ? (sorry for the long post)

via jihane

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