Friday 2 June 2017

Get screenshots window via node js on Windows 10

I understand that node js for making screenshots in Windows is not the best way, but I have such a special task. The task is, so that I can make a screenshot of a specific window, even if it is not active. I have installed ImageMagick from the official site(ImageMagick-7.0.5-9-Q16-x64-dll.exe) and tried enter into the PowerShell:

magick import my_screenshot.jpg

but I get this error:

import: delegate library support not built-in '' (X11) @ error/import.c/ImportImageCommand/1294.

This means that there is not any delegate library, but that's just how I can install it, I did not find it.

What can I do to make ImageMagick work?

You can also offer your solutions for the make screenshot.

via Denys Kucheriavyi

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