Saturday, 3 June 2017 CI - build a NodeJS app using docker in docker

I'm currently facing a problem with the shared-runners. What I'm trying to archieve in my pipeline is:
- NPM install and using grunt to make some uncss, minimize and compress tasks
- Cleaning up - Building a docker container with the app included
- Moving the container to gitlab registry

Unfortunateley I don't get it running since a long time! I tried a lot of different configs - without success. The problem is, that I have to use the "image: docker:latest" to have all the docker-tools running. But then I don't have node and grunt installed in the container.
Also the other way around is not working. I was trying to use image: centos:latest and install docker manually - but this is also not working as I always just get a Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted
Does anyone has some more experience on the gitlab-ci using docker build commands in a docker shared runner?
Any help is highly appreciated!!

Thank you

via Jannik