Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Node query mssql and the recordset looks to be nested and the output is odd

I am trying to underset how the mssql npm package and queries work for node and when i do a console.log i don't understand the nested objects output

My query

.get(function (req, res) {
    var request = new sql.Request();

    request.query('select * from books',
                function(err, recordset){
                    res.render('bookListView', {
                        title: 'Books',
                        nav: nav,
                        books: recordset  //books

The console.log output

{ recordsets: [ [ [Object], [Object] ] ],
    [ { id: 1, title: 'node ', author: 'tom stickel' },
      { id: 2, title: 'angular', author: 'tom miller' } ],
  output: {},
  rowsAffected: [ 2 ] }

Why is there a the recordsets: object, object and the 'recordset` ? I was watching a video doing the exact same thing and video shows console.log not having this . I'm more use to using web api of MS , with Angular...

But I want to switch to node for all api server and mssql db

via Jeremy Miller

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