Saturday, 29 April 2017

Unity 3D 'Vuforia with Log-in/Sing-up/Sessions process

I've been searching a way to create users and a log-in proccess in Unity 3D by sending that data to a web service (API rest created in Sails.js/node.js ). In the case of Log-in process I would like to retrieve a session which will say that the user is connected and as a result getting access to the Vuforia app' capabilities like making GET requests to specific actions that only logged-in Users can in my Node.js API webservice.

Finally; I've used WWW and WebRequest class to make some request from Unity but that would mean that I should open the APIrest(webServices) to everyone without the session's process. And the last thing I came up; is to use Sockets but I don't know how this approach would work form me.

via superkiller170793