Saturday, 29 April 2017

How do I resolve a promise in Node.js?

I am trying to make a simple weather application based on Node.js, like this one. My problem is that every mechanism I see is based on promises, and I don't understand the concept.

So, the code I see everywhere is like:

yrno.getWeather(LOCATION).then((weather) => {
    weather.getFiveDaySummary().then((data) => console.log('five day summary', data)); 
    weather.getForecastForTime(new Date()).then((data) => console.log('current weather', data));
    .catch((e) => {
        console.log('an error occurred!', e);

However, I was unable to find a way to resolve these promises and save the five day summary to a variable for later use.

How do I proceed?

Thanks, Robin

via Robin Molnar