I am new to nodejs and mysql. I want insert this data to mysql using nodejs. i tried with and without mysql-crud modules but failed. Can anyone help me?
exports.insertquotereq = function(req, res){
var chat_data = {
to_country: req.whereto,
to_airport: req.toairport,
from_country: req.fromwhere,
from_airport: req.fromairport,
planetype: req.planetype,
startdate: req.startdate,
starttime: req.starttime,
returndate: req.returndate,
returntime: req.returndate,
email: req.email,
distance: req.distance,
estimatedhrs: req.estimatedhrs,
planecostperhr: req.planecostperhr,
estimatedcost: req.estimatedcost,
estimated_time: req.estimated_time
var insert = connection.query("INSERT INTO chat SET ?", chat_data, function(err, result){
if(err) throw err;
console.log('data inserted'+insert);
thanks in advance
via Naim Jeem