Sunday, 23 April 2017

how to handle the import hell in react?

I’m running my react app via Node. Is there a way to easily handle this import hell?

I’m running

./node_modules/.bin/babel-node --presets react,es2015 server/server.js

as npm start. And server.js is a simple Express Server that serves a ReactDOMServer.renderToString(<MyApp />)

Some of my react components have something like this:

import GenericTemplate from "../../templates/GenericTemplate/GenericTemplate";
import Footer from "../../organisms/Footer/Footer";
import Header from "../../organisms/Header/Header";
import Hero from "../../organisms/Hero/Hero";
import MainMenu from "../../organisms/MainMenu/MainMenu";
import TodoList from "../../organisms/TodoList/TodoList";

this is prone to error, one changement like directory name would result in manually entering every file to update this.

do you have any idea how I can fix this. Ideally I would have something like this:

import { Footer, Header, Hero, MainMenu, TodoList } from "myComponents"

is that possible? How?

Thank you!

via chitzui

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