Sunday, 23 April 2017

Cannot GET / error in nodeJS

I am developing a simple MEAN stack application. I am using angular routing to redirect to a page based on the Id of the item clicked like this:

   when('/story/:id', {
      template: '<news-detail></news-detail>'

When an item is clicked it should go to a page like this : http://localhost:3002/story/58fbcf765865db1d8da94b41

but on that page I get a "Cannot GET /story/58fbcf765865db1d8da94b41" node error.

from back end I have tried this:

 app.get('/story/:id', function(req, res){
    var id =;
    PostProfile.News.findById(id, function(err, item){

This solution just displays some raw json on the page

 {"_id":"58fbc2834f675c1cdb7dc628","title": .....

What is the walk around for this and how can I use angular to make the request by id without going through nodejs first.

thanks alot.

via charles okojie