Saturday 3 June 2017

Using dgram module into browser application

I'm building a web application that use a module that require the dgram module of nodejs, I have to run this application in a browser, but when I try to build it with webpack, it return me errors on the dgram module:

ERROR in C:/Users/Sibo//coap/lib/agent.js Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'dgram' in C:\Users\Sibo\node_modules\coap\lib @ C:/Users/Sibo//coap/lib/agent.js 12:22-38

ERROR in C:/Users/Sibo//coap/lib/server.js Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'dgram' in C:\Users\Sibo\node_modules\coap\lib @ C:/Users/Sibo//coap/lib/server.js 11:22-38

Do you know a way to solve this problem?

via SimCor

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