Thursday 1 June 2017

struggling to get a simple BDD test suite for an API using gherkin apickli

I'm trying to learn how to create a simple working step-definition file for my gherkin feature file using the nodejs apickli module. If I try to do a really simple proof of concept connecting to the GitHub API. Here is the API call using curl.

curl -i

This returns a response code of 200.

I have installed cucumber and apickli:

npm install --save-dev cucumber apickli

Here is my file structure:

├── index.js
├── package.json
└── test
  └── features
    ├── step_definitions
    │   └── myapi.js
    └── test.feature

Here is my test.feature file:

  As a novice I want to test my BDD framework.

  Scenario: Retrieving an empty list should return a 200 code.
    Given I set Content-Type header to application-json
    When I GET
    Then response code should be 200

Here is my myapi.js file.

'use strict'

const apickli = require('apickli')

module.exports = function() {
  // cleanup before every scenario
  this.Before(function(scenario, callback) {
    this.apickli = new apickli.Apickli('http', '')

When I run the feature test I get:


  As a novice I want to test my BDD framework.

  Scenario: Retrieving an empty list should return a 200 code.
  ? Given I set Content-Type header to application-json
  ? When I GET
  ? Then response code should be 200


  1) Scenario: Retrieving an empty list should return a 200 code. - test/features/todo.feature:5
    Step: Given I set Content-Type header to application-json - test/features/todo.feature:6
     Undefined. Implement with the following snippet:

   Given('I set Content-Type header to application-json', function (callback) {
     // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
     callback(null, 'pending');

2) Scenario: Retrieving an empty list should return a 200 code. - test/features/todo.feature:5
  Step: When I GET - test/features/todo.feature:7
   Undefined. Implement with the following snippet:

   When('I GET', function (callback) {
     // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
     callback(null, 'pending');

3) Scenario: Retrieving an empty list should return a 200 code. - test/features/todo.feature:5
 Step: Then response code should be 200 - test/features/todo.feature:8
   Undefined. Implement with the following snippet:

   Then('response code should be {int}', function (int, callback) {
     // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
     callback(null, 'pending');

1 scenario (1 undefined)
3 steps (3 undefined)

I know I need to include additional step definitions but where should they go and what should go in them?

via Mark Tyers

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