Friday 2 June 2017

Reusing logic in a route, nodejs express

I have a route that's doing a lot of processing to display a view, DB queries and parsing and that sort of thing.

I'd like to 're-use' the processing of that route that gets displayed in the view. Simply using a res.render of the view will not suffice.

I am having a hard time explaining exactly what I'm after - effectively I am trying to avoid duplicating code.

router.get('/edit/:id', function(req, res) {
  ..lots of processing...    

    res.render('pages/campaigns/edit-campaign', {
        ...vars for handlebars...

router.all('/add/confirmation', function(req, res) {
    ... i have the data i need here, but not the processing ...
    res.render('pages/campaigns/edit-campaign-new', {

via Ollie

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