Friday 2 June 2017

Node MySQL: Return a value from a column

I'm using mysql in a Node application, Discord bot. I want to select a value from a column but am having trouble in doing so. This is my code:

let prefix;

connection.query(`SELECT * FROM guilds WHERE guildid = ${}`, function(error, commands) {
    if (error) throw error;

    if (commands.length) {  // the guild is in my database
        commands.forEach(value => 
            prefix = value.prefix;
            console.log(value.prefix) // doesn't fire
}); // crashes [Cannot read property length of undefined]

I now set prefix in line 1 to "3"and it works as expected ( I think ), printing out the value in my database, which looks as follows:

| guildname | guildid | ownername | ownerid | prefix |
| MyServer  | 7373732 | Rusty     | 636363  | !      |

via Rusty

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