Saturday 3 June 2017

How to autoreload on sails latest version without frontend?

Currently i am using sails latest version: 0.12.13

Installed project without frontend dependencies.

sails lift works fine, but how do i configure the server to reload on changes.

In the latest version without frontend, i don't see grunt file as well to make changes.

When i try to run using app with nodemon or forever, i get error as below:

$ nodemon
[nodemon] 1.11.0
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching: *.*
[nodemon] starting `node app.js`
To run an app using `node app.js`, you usually need to have a version of `sails` installed in the same directory as your app.
To do that, run `npm install sails`

Alternatively, if you have sails installed globally (i.e. you did `npm install -g sails`), you can use `sails lift`.
When you run `sails lift`, your app will still use a local `./node_modules/sails` dependency if it exists,
but if it doesn't, the app will run with the global sails instead!

How to configure for server reload on changes? Also guide me to install browser live reload in this setup.

via Mithun

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