Friday 2 June 2017

Having trouble sending attachment with emailjs and node

I am trying to figure out how to send a simple attachment in emailjs and node and I am running into difficulties. I've got it so that it will loop through an array of filenames I give it and then use fs to search through my file directory and grab the data. I can console.log out that I got the data (it looks like a bunch of hexcode/weird characters), but when the terminal gets to the point where it is sending the file it has the following warning:

Error: attachment has no data associated with it

If anyone can see where I am going wrong can you please let me know? I've fiddled with this for a bit and can't seem to see the issue. Thanks.'/sendemail', function(req, res, next) {

  var email     = require("emailjs");
  var server    = email.server.connect({
   user:    req.body.username,
   host:    "",
   port:    465,
   ssl:     true


  for(var x = 0; x<req.body.attachments.length; x++){
    var filetype = req.body.attachments.slice(-3);

    if (filetype === "pdf"){
      filetype = "application/pdf";
      filetype = "image/"+filetype;
    fileReadpath = (__dirname + '/uploads/' + req.body.attachments[x]);
    var fileRead = fs.readFileSync(fileReadpath, 'utf8');

      '{path:"./uploads/'+req.body.attachments[x]+'", type:"'+filetype+'", name:"'+req.body.attachments[x]+'"}, ');

     text:    req.body.text,
     from:    req.body.username,
     to:      req.body.receiver,
     subject: req.body.subject,
     cc: req.body.username,
     attachment: attachmentArray
  }, function(err, message) { console.log(err || message); });


PS This is the emailjs library I am using

via Peter Weyand

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