Friday 2 June 2017

apostrophe-blog - How to implement a next/prev. navigation through articles in show.html?

I'm quite new on apostrophe-cms but so far I've been able to dig a little around all the main features of this CMS (tutorials, customed widgets, templating,...) and I've successfully integrated the apostrophe-blog plugin and made it work properly as it is demonstrated into the apostrophe-sandbox project on github.

Yet I couldn't really understand how I could catch the next and prev article's url in order to display a button directly inside the show.html file (which is located in the lib/modules/apostrophe-blog-pages/views/ directory.)

Is there a way to bind to the available inside the index.html (the page that display a blog's articles list, in the same directory) so that I could eventually make a function that would give me an intended corresponding to each articles ?

Cuz so far I could only get a sort of much "local" data.piece in show.html that seems to concerns only each specific article that are displayed on this page. (for the notice I use nunjuck's property to display it)

Thanks by advance for any helping answers around this topic, and hope I could make my request enoughly explicit to everyone !?

via flowstack

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