Sunday 21 May 2017

Why is this Node snippet not catching rejected Promise?

I'm trying to understand why a Promise rejection exception I've encountered is not being handled by my initial try/catch in the following code (full code is in this branch)

In this particular error, nodeCf.deploy is being called in index.js.

The error is happening because I should be using this.deployName, not stack.deployName in my console.log statement.

The thing I don't understand is why this is considered an unhandle Promise rejection. Shouldn't the try/catch I have in the initial call to nodeCf.deploy catch this?

// index.js:

  switch (args.action) {
    case 'deploy':
      try {
        await nodeCf.deploy(stacks, envVars);
      } catch (e) {
        console.log(`deployment failed: `, e);
  < ... >

// nodeCf module:
async deploy(stacks, envVars) {
  var stackOutputs = {};
  await Promise.each(stacks, async(stack) => {
    stackOutputs[] = await stack.deploy(envVars, 

// stack.deploy:
async deploy(envVars, stackOutputs) {
this.load(envVars, stackOutputs);
await ensureBucket(this.infraBucket);
const s3Resp = await this.uploadTemplate()
const stackResp = await ensureAwsCfStack({
  StackName: this.deployName,
  Parameters: this.parameters,
  Tags: this.tags,
  TemplateURL: s3Resp.Location,
  Capabilities: [ 'CAPABILITY_IAM', 
this.outputs =, (it) => 
  _(it).pick(['OutputKey', 'OutputValue'])
console.log(`deployed ${stack.deployName}`); // 'stack' is causing exception
return this;

via rumdrums

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