Saturday, 27 May 2017

Can't Parse Data node.js correctly

I have tried to send a post request to an api in node.js yet got the response

{ Error: 'Internal server error' }

I used this code:

var request = require('request');
var config = require("./config.json");

var request = require('request');{
  url:     '',
  json:    {method: "post", address:config.address, viewkey:config.viewkey }
}, function(error, response, body){

This isn't the server as I can do the exact same thing in python really easily and get the expected response

import requests
address = "*Monero Address*"
viewkey = "*Monero Viewkey*"
data = {"address":address,"view_key":viewkey}
response ="",json=data)

I'm sorry if i'm being dumb I'm new to node.js

Expected Response:

  "total_received": "0",
  "scanned_height": 2586375,
  "scanned_block_height": 1319524,
  "start_height": 2586052,
  "transaction_height": 2586375,
  "blockchain_height": 1319524

Thanks :)

via Joss Bird

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