Tuesday 30 May 2017

Searching Operational Attributes using ldapjs


How do I search for operational attributes associated with users using ldapjs?

I know that when using ldapsearch I can get the operational attributes with the '+' argument. I am familiar with ldapjs's client search function, but I do not know how to search for operational attributes with this function.

  • Is it possible to search for operational attributes with ldapjs?

  • If it isn't a way to search for them, are there any recommendations for other javascript ldap libraries?


I have an openldap server running that has a directory laid out like this:

-> Root stuff
  -> dc=example,dc=com
    -> cn=Manager (The olcRootDN)
    -> ou=User
       -> *Several entries with objectClasses {posixAccount, shadowAccount, inetOrgPerson}*
    -> ou=Policies
       -> *pwdPolicy with some default password policies

via hededo

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