Friday 2 June 2017

How to get the unique results from mongoose using $setUnion and $group?

sample documents of mongodb

I tried something like below but dint get the expected result , This should work if the fields are not an array

 // union of includes and excludes as excludesAndExcludes
    getIncludesAndExcludes: (req, res)=>{
        console.log('called setunion');
            { $group: {_id : {includes:"$includes", excludes:"$excludes"}}},            
            { $project: { includesAndExcludes: { $setUnion: [ "$_id.includes", "$_id.excludes" ] }, _id:0 } }  
        ], (err, data) => {
            if (err) {
            } else {

via kartikajas

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