Tuesday 16 May 2017

WebRtc vs Red5 for a video live stream web Application

I have been searching all over the internet to find the right technology to create a a live stream web application . The web application must provider (1 to 1 video chat , 1 to many and many to many ). I found that webRTC is best to the 1-to-1 but i think it is hard to implement for 1 to many or many to many. I fount the facebook live are using red5 for there live streaming. What is the advantages of both , and disadvanteges . and when to use webRTC and when to use red5 .

note : i didnt found enough tutorials about red5 nor documentation. note : i am a web developer(nodeJs) , so a web (nodeJS) solution will be recommended. since i read that red5 is java based application.

And if you please can provide tutorials or samples for both will be perfect.

And if there any other live stream technology i have to know about it will be very good

via dkmostafa

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