I have the next model and route with mongoose:
In my colection I have some invalids id's to cidade and this is why I am getting the error showing below.
The error happens In the line:
Is there a way to execute my router in:
router.get('/:id',function(req,res,next){ .....
without stop on that error? If an invalid "id" is found, I´d just like to ignore it and proceed to next.
My collections is too big and can have some invalids "ids" to "cidade".
angular.js:14328 Possibly unhandled rejection: {"data":{"message":"Cast to ObjectId failed for value \"Ararendá\" at path \"_id\" for model \"Cidade\"","name":"CastError","stringValue":"\"Ararendá\"","kind":"ObjectId","value":"Ararendá","path":"_id"},"status":500,"config":
//models and route
cidadesSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
uf: {type: String, unique:true},
cidade: {type: String, unique:true}
module.exports = mongoose.model('Cidade', cidadesSchema,'cidades' );
var profissionaisSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
nome: {type: String, unique:true},
cidade: {type:mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Cidade'},
estado: {type:mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Estado'},
cep: {type: String},
module.exports = mongoose.model('Profissional', profissionaisSchema,'profissionais' );
const callback=function(err,data,res){
if (err) return res.status(500).json(err);
return res.status(200).send(data);
const query=req.params.id;
.exec( (err,data) => {
via Luiz Alves