Wednesday 17 May 2017

Stripe Connection Error

I have the follow backend Node.js code to connect to my Stripe account to make a Charge. But I'm getting this error. I'm using Firebase Functions, and this functionality used to work before, so I doubt this is anything to do with Firebase access restrictions. Any ideas and help on this will be greatly appreciated!

var functions = require('firebase-functions');
var stripe = require('stripe')('sk_test');
var express = require('express');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var cors = require('cors');

exports.stripePay = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
  if (request.method === 'POST') {
    var app = express();
    var router = express.Router();

    app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));

    var stripetoken = request.body.cardToken;
    var amountpayable = request.body.amount;

    var charge = stripe.charges.create({
      amount: amountpayable,
      currency: 'usd',
      source: stripetoken,
      description: 'Sample transaction'
    }, function (err, charge) {
      if (err) {
      else {
        response.send({ success: true });

{ Error: An error occurred with our connection to Stripe
    at Error._Error (/user_code/node_modules/stripe/lib/Error.js:12:17)
    at Error.Constructor (/user_code/node_modules/stripe/lib/utils.js:98:13)
    at Error.Constructor (/user_code/node_modules/stripe/lib/utils.js:98:13)
    at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/user_code/node_modules/stripe/lib/StripeResource.js:192:9)
    at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
    at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:188:7)
    at TLSSocket.socketErrorListener (_http_client.js:310:9)
    at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
    at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:188:7)
    at connectErrorNT (net.js:1020:8)
    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:74:11)
    at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:122:9)   type: 'StripeConnectionError', stack: 'Error: An error occurred with our connection to Stripe\n    at Error._Error (/user_code/node_modules/stripe/lib/Error.js:12:17)\n    at Error.Constructor (/user_code/node_modules/stripe/lib/utils.js:98:13)\n    at Error.Constructor (/user_code/node_modules/stripe/lib/utils.js:98:13)\n    at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/user_code/node_modules/stripe/lib/StripeResource.js:192:9)\n    at emitOne (events.js:96:13)\n    at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:188:7)\n    at TLSSocket.socketErrorListener (_http_client.js:310:9)\n    at emitOne (events.js:96:13)\n    at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:188:7)\n    at connectErrorNT (net.js:1020:8)\n    at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:74:11)\n    at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:122:9)',   rawType: undefined,   code: undefined,   param: undefined,   message: 'An error occurred with our connection to Stripe',   detail:     { Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
       at errnoException (dns.js:28:10)
       at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (dns.js:76:26)
     code: 'ENOTFOUND',
     errno: 'ENOTFOUND',
     syscall: 'getaddrinfo',
     hostname: '',
     host: '',
     port: '443' },   raw:     { message: 'An error occurred with our connection to Stripe',
      { Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
          at errnoException (dns.js:28:10)
          at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (dns.js:76:26)
        code: 'ENOTFOUND',
        errno: 'ENOTFOUND',
        syscall: 'getaddrinfo',
        hostname: '',
        host: '',
        port: '443' } },   requestId: undefined,   statusCode: undefined } Reply

via Dimitri

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