Sunday 21 May 2017 can server using redis stored session with mysql query after user disconnected?

I using passport and with redis to get session when I connect to server or disconnect and I get that successfully on my terminal console.log but I want to know did I need any something also to be sure the server will get the right session even if the user lost electricity suddenly ? I tried it on my local host and that's worked very good and database updated did that will be any difference when I run this code on public host on how it work ? and how the server get session stored even after disconnection ?

io.sockets.on('connection', module.exports = function(socket){


    console.log('connected: %s socket connected session', ,connections.length);
    connection.query("UPDATE users SET TESTON= '1111' WHERE email='""'");

    connections.splice(connections.indexOf(socket), 1);
    console.log('Disconnected: %s sockets connecte',, connections.length);
    connection.query("UPDATE users SET TESTON= '2222' WHERE email='""'");


via dark night

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