Saturday, 27 May 2017

Return value from NodeJS Query, and store the results in a object variable to use on every page

So I'm trying to make a simple page handler for a website (My First NodeJS Project) and struggling to get my head around how to get a MySQL Query to run each time and store the returned data in a variable to be used throughout the application. (I should note I'm using ExpressJS)

Currently in my app.js file I have the following, which seems to be doing it's job at executing for each page load


Inside the pageHandler module, I have the following which queries the database based on the URL of the page.

var thisData = app.use(function (req, res, next) {
    console.log('Trying to find details for page: ' + url.parse(req.url).pathname);
    db.query("SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE page_url = ?", [url.parse(req.url).pathname], function(err, result) {

pageHandler = thisData;
module.exports = pageHandler;

This does infact print, the successful results on the page, but I'm wanting to store them in a variable wihch I can use throughout the application to get for example the title of the page and whatnot. Currently returns the following from database.

      "meta_title":"First Node Project",
      "meta_keywords":"nodejs, keywords, etc",

via Josh Scott

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