Friday 19 May 2017

ReferenceError: Object is not defined when I define multilplie classes at same file

I use node.js 7.44.

In file user.models.ts I have multilplie classes like:

import { Exclude, Expose } from "class-transformer";

export class User {
    @Expose() _id: string;
    @Expose() fname: string;
    @Expose() lname: string;
    @Expose() birthday: Date;   
    @Expose() address: Address;


export class Address {
    @Expose() street: string;
    @Expose() num: number;
    @Expose() city: string;
    @Expose() zipCode: number;

when I compile the server I get Error ReferenceError: Adress is not defined

how can I use multilplie classes at same file?

via eran hadad

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