Thursday 18 May 2017

passport.authenticate('jwt', {session:false}) is not working on get call

When I register the new user the response that I get is a jwt token,I store that token in a local storage of Ionic2.

Then when I login with the same user, I again received that token in response,So when the user gets logged in the next page appears which makes a get call to load the data for authorized user,which requires token to get authorized(here is the problem I am facing).So the get call displays an error of status401 unauthorized.

Here is my server side code to get the call in the routes.


var contactControllers = require('./controllers/contact');
var express = require('express');
var passportService = require('./config/passport');
var passport = require('passport');

var requireAuth = passport.authenticate('jwt', { session: false }),

module.exports = function (app) {

    var contactRoutes = express.Router();
     app.use('/api/contacts', contactRoutes);

    contactRoutes.get('/',requireAuth, function(req,res){
        console.log('inside get route of contacts');


Please help!

via Aditya Jain

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