Wednesday 17 May 2017

Node.js: Error ECONNRESET while piping a file

I have this error while "piping" a file in node:

  throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: read ECONNRESET
at exports._errnoException (util.js:1022:11)
at Pipe.onread (net.js:569:26)

Here is my code:

var json_file = fs.createWriteStream(jsonFile),
    processes = 0,
    read_ended_flag = false,
    converter = new Converter(params);

let read_csv_file = fs.createReadStream(csvFilePath);

// For each csv line, we get a json doc
converter.on('record_parsed', jsonObj => {

    json_file.write(JSON.stringify(jsonObj) + '\n', () => {

        if(read_ended_flag && processes == 0){

converter.on('end_parsed', () => {
    read_ended_flag = true;


I tried to catch error using this or this, but it still the same. This bug only comes while working with small files ( > 100 lines ).

Is it because that the read stream is closed before writing in the new file ?

Many thanks for any tips & helps !

via googirl

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