There's a lot of mixed results when I search around for emulating a browser. Long story short, I need my Node server to do get & post requests. Usually I'd just do this with the http package. However, there is some anti-scripting things in place on the other side. Namely javascripts that let the server know it's a real browser. So, I need these to be executed.
I actually solved this problem like 5 years ago, but my site was only using PHP then. The solution involved using a Qt webkit widget, and a fake X-server. Not elegant, but it was pretty easy to do. The only javascript engines I found available in Perl, PHP, or Python at the time were crazy slow.
As NodeJS is built on V8, I gotta think there's an easy way to do this. For the record, I'm hoping to get something a la the following.
// Omitting some callbacks
http.get('', function(res) {
res.on('end', function() {
// previously accumulated data is the page returned by
// the request. Any thing found in a <script> tag would have
// been executed.
via kiss-o-matic
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