Wednesday 17 May 2017

node express react app auth0 callback 404 error -redirectURI not seeing react route

I'm trying to do simple authentication using Auth0 in a react app served through express.

If I run npm start my React App will work fine with Auth0.

If I run node server.js and have my express server running the local server everything works fine on my page until the Auth0 callback.

I tried disabling the RedirectURI option on Auth0 per one of the other Stackoverflow posts but my app is still looking for localhost:3000/callback. I don't know where this is coming from as I've taken all the callback references out of my code.

Here's my Auth.js

import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import auth0 from 'auth0-js';
import { AUTH_CONFIG } from './auth0-variables';
import history from '../history';

export default class Auth extends EventEmitter {
  auth0 = new auth0.WebAuth({
    domain: AUTH_CONFIG.domain,
    clientID: AUTH_CONFIG.clientId,
    audience: `https://${AUTH_CONFIG.domain}/userinfo`,
    responseType: 'token id_token',
    scope: 'openid profile'


  constructor() {
    this.login = this.login.bind(this);
    this.logout = this.logout.bind(this);
    this.handleAuthentication = this.handleAuthentication.bind(this);
    this.isAuthenticated = this.isAuthenticated.bind(this);
    this.getAccessToken = this.getAccessToken.bind(this);
    this.getProfile = this.getProfile.bind(this);

  login() {


  handleAuthentication() {
    this.auth0.parseHash((err, authResult) => {
      if (authResult && authResult.accessToken && authResult.idToken) {
      } else if (err) {
        alert(`Error: ${err.error}. Check the console for further details.`);

  setSession(authResult) {
    if (authResult && authResult.accessToken && authResult.idToken) {
      // Set the time that the access token will expire at
      let expiresAt = JSON.stringify(
        authResult.expiresIn * 1000 + new Date().getTime()
      localStorage.setItem('access_token', authResult.accessToken);
      localStorage.setItem('id_token', authResult.idToken);
      localStorage.setItem('expires_at', expiresAt);
      // navigate to the home route

  getAccessToken() {
    const accessToken = localStorage.getItem('access_token');
    if (!accessToken) {
      throw new Error('No access token found');
    return accessToken;

  getProfile(cb) {
    let accessToken = this.getAccessToken();
    this.auth0.client.userInfo(accessToken, (err, profile) => {
      if (profile) {
        this.userProfile = profile;
      cb(err, profile);

  logout() {
    // Clear access token and ID token from local storage
    this.userProfile = null;
    // navigate to the home route

  isAuthenticated() {
    // Check whether the current time is past the
    // access token's expiry time
    let expiresAt = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('expires_at'));
    return new Date().getTime() < expiresAt;

And here are my routes in React

import React from 'react';
import { Redirect, Route, BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import App from './App';
import Home from './Home/Home';
import Profile from './Profile/Profile';
import Callback from './Callback/Callback';
import Auth from './Auth/Auth';
import history from './history';

const auth = new Auth();

const handleAuthentication = (nextState, replace) => {
  if (/access_token|id_token|error/.test(nextState.location.hash)) {

export const makeMainRoutes = () => {
  return (
    <BrowserRouter history={history} component={App}>
          <Route path="/" render={(props) => <App auth={auth} {...props} />} />
          <Route path="/home" render={(props) => <Home auth={auth} {...props} />} />
          <Route path="/profile" render={(props) => (
            !auth.isAuthenticated() ? (
              <Redirect to="/home"/>
            ) : (
              <Profile auth={auth} {...props} />
          )} />
          <Route path="/callback" render={(props) => {
            return <Callback {...props} />

My express server serves up the build directory and then has some api endpoints for mongodb and glassdoor api

var app = express();



var mongoDB = 'mongodb://';


var db = Mongoose.connection;

var server = app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, function (){
  var port = server.address().port;
  console.log("app now running on port", port);

Any help is much appreciated.

via David Quisenberry

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