Wednesday 17 May 2017

how to SET and DELETE using a single UpdateExpression with Dynamo

I'm trying to update an item using updateExpression, and i'd like to edit an attribute and delete another attribute on the same object, but i get the following error:

Invalid UpdateExpression: Syntax error; token: EOF near: "attributeToDelete"

I have to admit i wrote the update expression guessing the proper way to use it (failing). Here's the code snippet:

    TableName: `myTable`,
    Key: { id: },
    UpdateExpression: 'SET attributeToEdit = :newValue DELETE attributeToDelete',
    ExpressionAttributeValues: { ':newValue': 'valueToSet' },

How am i supposed to write an UpdateExpression when I want to include more than a action? (where actions are -> SET, DELETE, REMOVE, ADD)

via Koop4

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