Thursday 18 May 2017

How to parse through a json array?

By using node js I generate the array below, by parsing through multiple json files for a particular value.enter image description here

When we get" content is true" mean that the particular id is available, when it's "undefined or anythoing else" should mean it's un available.

I wanna write a loop where. I recover the first file name with its status available or not and then go through my array and only recover the next value if the status changes ( if it goes for example from true to undefined)

So here is part of my code where I generate this file :

Promise.mapSeries(filenames, function(fileName) {
      var contents = fs
        .readFileAsync("./availibility/" + fileName, "utf8")
        .catch(function ignore() {});
      return Promise.join(contents, function(contents) {
        return {
    }).each(function(eachfile) {
        jsonobject = JSON.parse(eachfile.contents);
        if(jsonobject && jsonobject.hasOwnProperty('messages'))         
       // console.log(jsonobject.messages[0].message.results[2]); 
        eachfile.contents = jsonobject.messages[0].message.results[1].isAvailable;
      eachfile.fileName = eachfile.fileName.substring('revision_'.length,(eachfile.fileName.length-5));


May someone help me please

Thank you,

via Marou Aityahia

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